• cutting edge 答案    相關企業商業資訊
    1. COOL CUT

      COOL CUT hairdressing低調奢華,融合摩登時尚感,COOL CUT 想給您有不一樣的時尚觀感很多顧客在髮型上都會有期望與希望,COOL CUT不只重於專精的剪髮設計與美感設計而是更重視”聆聽與”溝通”聆聽顧客髮型上的困擾與需求溝通解說適...

      電話:02-27057697    地址:台北市大安區四維路183號
    2. 美洛生物科技

      ... dedicated to rigorous laboratory research, engineering and application of cutting-edge biotechnology to better our everyday life.Based on its patented technologies, Mello offers range of products and services including mirPS® mir-302 expression kits, microRNA expression kits, miRNA ingredient for ...

      電話:02-27097930    地址:台北市大安區信義路3段200號
    3. JUST CUT 日式極速剪髮 (東區)

      ◎快速剪髮流行於日本移轉至新加坡成為嶄新的剪髮新概念便將快速剪髮的新模式引進台灣,提供最專業、 快速、平價、衛生的剪髮服務。JUST CUT日式極速剪髮

      電話:06-5014757    地址:台南市東區光明街
    4. 愛絲hair cut

      全店以彈性.合群模式 共同學習成長關注=傳承技術教導 提升師資培訓完整性紮實=縮短學習模索年期穩健=不讓競爭環境 而壓迫退縮領導=往快樂積極步拔邁進.上班薪資平衡 穩定生活品質king 0925898777 星劇點ktv對面大巷口第一家 ...

      電話:02-23759324    地址:台北市萬華區西門町 內江街55巷19號之1地圖
    5. 理思商務有限公司

      ...ge of fashion accessories by new designers around the world to provide the cutting-edge styles to our customers, catering to their eclectic taste and need for uniqueness.Reatz Boutique is the one and only Taiwan-based select-shop focusing on fashion accessories. With our fresh sourcing of new brands...

      電話:02-27477925    地址:台北市松山區南京東路五段200號12樓之6

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